New Vemmio Z-Wave plus System Enters UK smart home Market

There’s a new Z-Wave game in town.

Vemmio is a smart home manufacture from Poland and their new range of Z-Wave modules have just gone on sale in the UK.

They have been developing, manufacturing and installing fire protection automation for the past 10 years. following their success in this area a new Z-Wave smart Automation department was created.

Thousands of hours of research, development and programming later, they announced their new Smart safety and security system at CES.

The hub / gateway at the centre of the system costs £99 and the Z-Wave plus modules to accompany it range from around £35 to £55.

The Vemmio smart safety and security app is available on Android, iOS and Windows (Web version).


Smoke Sensor

The smoke detector delivers a smart, trendy design and is the smallest Z-Wave smoke sensor on the market according to the makers.  It is a cautioning device that detects presence of smoke and smoke particles in realtime faster than any regular ionizing smoke alarm. 

Flood Sensor

The flood sensor is easy to use in hard to reach areas thanks its 1.2M cable.  The probe has two closely located electrodes which guarantee water detection at the very earliest stages of a leak.

Open / close small Sensor

Due to the fact that it provides a single function, the Open/Close small Sensor is highly responsive and reliable. The sensor is a very convenient size too at just 70 mm long, 19 mm broad and 22 mm high. 

Motion small Sensor

The motion small provides an ultra smart and easy design that blends into your home’s decoration. The installation takes literally minutes and it can measure illumination up to 8 500lx as well as motion.


The gateway for the Vemmio system has a built-in siren and can use a 3G USB modem when WiFi is not available. It can also use a power bank as emergency power supply.

4 in 1 Sensor

The 4 in 1 sensor features functionality of three sensors (Motion Mini, open / close small and room Sensor), which translates into considerable financial savings.

Room Sensor

The room sensor steps temperature and humidity. temperature measurement precision is ± 0.4°C and it reliably detects excessive or insufficient humidity and temperature level.

Double Switch

Uses two channels separately (2x 1500 W) and it is also a power meter.



Fibaro Dimmer 2 Z-Wave plus universal Dimming Module for Lighting, 250 W, 3.6 V, Black

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FIBARO wall Plug/Z-Wave plus Wireless smart Socket, type G, FGWPG-111

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Fibaro Fibefgs-223 Power Relay – Electrical Relays (110-230 V, Black)

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