Staying in the Loxone wise show house – part 2

In part 1 we looked at our stay in the Loxone show house in Austria, however there were a number of other sites we visited over the weekend too.

One of the highlights of the trip was our go to to the Loxone HQ, likewise found in Kollerschlag, just across the road from the show home.

It’s one of those stunning contemporary buildings that appears like a spaceship has landed.

An ultra-modern facility with around 100 ‘Loxonauts’ working there, it’s the building where all the hardware as well as software application for the wise house system is established in addition to being house to the administration, advertising as well as training departments too.


We started our tour of the mom Ship on the basement level which homes the distribution centre. With row after row of lovely Loxone wise house tech, what would you provide for a 10 minute trolly dash around this warehouse

We noticed over the weekend that almost whatever we utilized from pens to cooking utensils were all in Loxone’s business green. The awesome staircase to the next level of base camp was no different as we climbed to the ground floor level of the building.


Here the reception area sits in front of the training space where partners from Germany as well as Austria get their certification.

You can likewise see the variety of Loxone wise house products in addition to inspect out their around the world places (including their new offices in China).

The rest of this level is taken up with a awesome cafe where everybody enjoys chef prepared lunches each day.

There’s an NFC system for worker snacks as well as drinks as well with wall mounted iPads showing who’s had what. The work hard, play difficult principles here, together with the foosball table as well as basketball hoop, all make the environment seem more silicon valley than Austrian village.

This floor to ceiling rack of Loxone hardware towers above your head as well as it continues on with to the top floor, which was where we were headed next.


The big open plan top deck of the Base Camp is where all the action occurs with the majority of personnel being based up here. We visited on a Saturday as well as while it was empty you might picture the efficiency from this enormous office.

Some high backed soft seats were relied on look out across the stunning Austrian countryside as well as obviously this is where you go when looking for motivation or to overcome that software application difficulty you’re working through.

More NFC is utilized here, this time around on a long bank of cube shaped personnel lockers. even the big filing system utilizes this RFID tech to enable gain access to to authorised staff.

Florian Woess, Loxone CMO

Our guide for the day, Loxone’s CMO Florian Woess, told us they had outgrown this building as well as plans are at an advanced stage to prolong their operation in Kollerschlag.

Construction will begin next year as well as this major extension to the existing building will see it grow to cater for as much as 400 people. Loxone’s expansion, from a begin just a decade ago, continues apace.

We asked Philipp Schuster, Managing director at Loxone UK for an update on the growth of the business in the united kingdom as well as he told us…

In the seven years that we have been in the UK, we have seen continued growth as well as we are dealing with a similar circumstance as we deal with with our Basecamp in Austria; after only being in our UK offices for five years, we are looking to triple the size of our office within the next twelve months to fit ever-increasing demand for training as well as the growing size of our UK team. Such fast growth has, at times, been difficult however general it is the very best issue to have.
Philipp Schuster

Future Lab

There’s one more Loxone building in the vicinity. two minutes away from HQ in the village of Kollerschlag itself is the Loxone Future Lab.

This is where the truly confidential R&D stuff occurs as they work on the next generation of Loxone products in overall secrecy.

Our pleads for gain access to were satisfied with grins however nothing else. Damn it


In the final instalment we take a go to to an Austrian Self-Build that’s having a Loxone system installed, plus look at Baudisch, one of Loxone’s producing plants in Germany. In the meantime checkout some more pictures in the gallery below.

Read all 3 parts of our visiting Loxone Series…Part 1 – staying in the Loxone wise show HomePart 2 – staying in the Loxone wise show HomePart 3 – staying in the Loxone wise show Home





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